Which you is you?
There's a popular series of commercials for Snickers candy bars - some celebrity is in an incongruous situation, someone tosses them a Snickers, they eat it and morph back into, evidently, the appropriate-for-the-setting individual they always were. Snickers - you're not you when you're hungry!
But aren't you, though? I mean, I know I'd certainly have a hard time convincing a jury that it wasn't me who stabbed those teens - it was Jason Voorhees in my body! I just hadn't had any creamy nougat and crunchy peanuts in a while!
You go through a wide variety of selves as the day wears on. There's hungry you and full you. There's alert you and tired you. There's horny you and turned-off you. Is the "real you" just the average of those states, or are you more you at some times and less you at other times?
Exactly how much pressure and discomfort can I subject you to, before you're "under duress" and that signature at the bottom of the contract is invalid? Exactly how exhausted or frustrated or hungry or thirsty or full-bladdered can you be before you're no longer responsible for smacking someone who gets in your way? Exactly how drunk, or high, or delusional, or horny can you get before you can't meaningfully consent to a sex act? Is "too sexually excited to think straight" even a state that could be reached - and, if you believe it is, do you have a responsibility to avoid being in that state, or to avoid that state while you're in the company of other people?
Anyway, as usual, Jamie is overthinking all the wrong things and feeling weirdly guilty about all the wrong things... and both Ellen and Jamie are simultaneously very good and very bad at communicating in general.