Greg would probably embroider his spiel there in the first panel and hang it up somewhere in his office if he cared at all about motivational décor. It's pretty decent life advice, if you ask me.
As a side note, can I just mention how fucking sad it is that it felt unusual to write a gag that specifically references Islam without in any way mentioning terrorism?
You whippersnappers with 1s and 2s in the front of your ages probably don't remember, but I can recall a time when you could ask the average Johnny Whitebread on the street what he knows about Islam, and the first thing out of his mouth might be "face Mecca five times a day" or "not big pork fans", instead of either gibbering xenophobia or a passionate defense against gibbering xenophobia.
But then, I managed to write a webcomic where a twenty-something woman somehow remembers cartoons from the eighties and owns a damn flip phone, so maybe I'm just out of touch in general.